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My name is Emil. I am a programmer, passionate by coding, music, video and photography

Installing Ceti 3.12 GS Theme on Ubuntu

I found this beautiful Ubuntu Theme yesterday, located on deviantart but also on other pages related with Ubuntu:

After few tries on installation steps, I finally get the way of doing it, not 100% but works on my Ubuntu.

1. First this is to download Ceti Theme to ~/Downloads Folder

2. Then You have to extract the archive file

3. After that you have to copy all files into User Theme Folder like

@ubuntu:sudo cp -R /home/downloads/Ceti-theme/Gnome_3-12/Ceti/ /usr/share/themes/Ceti
@ubuntu:sudo chmod -R 0777 /usr/share/themes/Ceti/

Copying files into Folder ~/.themes from /Home does not do the thing, does not help to much.

4. Last step is to install Tweak tools for configuration:

@ubuntu:sudo apt-get install gnome-tweak-tool
@ubuntu:sudo apt-get install unity-tweak-tool gnome-tweak-tool

Some links related with Ubuntu Theme Topic

How to Install Numix 2.0 GTK & Icon theme in Ubuntu 13.10, 14.04

Install Trevilla Custom Theme in Ubuntu 14.04 Using PPA (Terminal)